Friday, March 25, 2011


I just ran across this list of "The TOP 10 Fears for Teenagers In America"  in an article by "Tomorrows Leaders "( not a christian group) They surveyed over 100000 teens in America to get these stats.  Some of them really surprised me, especially #6, and #10. Thought I'd post so you could see.  Fears can be so crippling.

A prayer for this week... God help us to really KNOW our kids hearts. Help us to be keenly aware of what they fear and struggle with so we can show them and help lead them to the freedom You have for them. The freedom that comes from trusting You and Your plan for their lives.

#1. something bad will happen to my family

#2. I won't get into a good college

#3. I won't be able to make it financially

#4. I or someone I know will be a victim of crime

#5. I'll give in to peer pressure

#6. I can't tell right from wrong

#7. I can't find time to do everything

#8. I feel like I need to have sex to be accepted

#9. someone I know will die

#10. I will never have a happy marriage or family

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