I have a good friend named Olivia who wrote a brilliant article entitled "Excellence vs. Performance Parenting!" When I read this article last year it rocked my world. God began to show me the differences between WANTING to be my best for Him, and NEEDING to be the best for myself or others, I was halted in some of my parenting techniques and my own attitudes. Freed!
But this past week, I found myself sulking in that similar place that God brought me out of last fall. Irritated over anything and everything falling short of my expectations; messy rooms, disgusting toilet seats, stinky cars, moldy cleats, forgotten lunches, forgotten assignments, B's, changing schedules, changed plans, late practices, sickness....the list goes on. SO WHY this need for everything to be perfect?
Question: Why do I deal with temporary insanity? Answer: Pride.
I found myself re-calling Olivia's article.
"True excellence stems from passion for God and desire to bring Him glory. It is the product of a heart and soul at rest. Performance is the need to succeed and satisfy personal significance."
I spent much of yesterday on my way to San Francisco praying that God would continue to free me, and help me be able to aid my kids in a creating a desire to be their best
for their KING,without needing to be their best
for themselves or others, (OR ME!)
This morning when I got home from the am drop off, I went and shut the doors to three messy bedrooms. There. Better. They can wait! As for the toilet seat, I took the whole thing OFF. I'm just not willing to concede to sitting in p--. I have decided that the only way this problem is going to get solved is if they have to fall in a few times.
So we have one seatless toilet, three messy closed bedrooms, and one freed mommy, AGAIN (for today).
Here's to a week of balance...trying to be our best
for Jesus, without straining to be perfect for others or ourselves!