Monday, August 30, 2010

"Independence week" - 8/30/2010

This has been what I've been dealing with the last two weeks - Their desire for more independence, and my desire to hold on to them even tighter. (Granted, just because they want it, doesn't mean they should get it, and each situation is individual)  But we aren't talking about them wanting to move out or have a credit card, we are talking about things like a freshmen science/camping trip to the coast (without mom and dad) and a first dance.

Sometimes my first reaction in parenting is to act out of fear, rather than to seek God and walk in wisdom.

After some coffee with a friend, it was clear that the issue staring me on my plate continues to be - Am I trusting Jesus? I mean, am I really seeking what He wants for them as each of these issues/opportunities arise, or am I parenting of of fear from what I think could happen, or what they might do.

DISCLAIMER: the point of this blog post is not to endorse school dances or school camping trips. :)

But, in all seriousness, I needed to be reminded this week that my kids are not really mine. So here's to a new week of parenting in that freedom, rather than in fear!!!


  1. Awesome blog! Thanks for your honesty and transparency. I know I will be able to glean a lot of good parenting techniques from you! Thanks.

  2. I'll bet it was a short lived desire to hold onto them even tighter! :) Praying for wisdom for you my friend, and also, thanks be to God who has given you such a great husband, Pete, that these decisions can be made with...and thanks be to God who's strength is perfected in our weakness. I think we are operating in a win, win situation. Love ya!

  3. I don't have teenagers, but I have a four year that old starts preschool in one week. The thought of someone else being apart of very crucial moments in her life is heartbreaking to me, but... something amazing happened a few weeks ago to show me that this was what I had to do! I slipped into Izzy's Sunday school class early and caught her leading the class in a game. My shy, reserved little baby was LEADING. I was shocked. I had a little leader on my hands and didn't even know it. I must cultivate that, and for some reason, when I am around she hides behind me. Therefore, next Tuesday I send half of my heart into that little preschool five minutes away from my home... so that she may began walking in the anointing that God has given her... Sigh.

  4. Bre. You inspire me!!!! I am so EXCITED to be on this life journey with you! Your parenting and life inspires me! Yea for lunch tomorrow!
